Grades Taught
Grade 1 to Grade 12, Continuing Education, Classical Education, Summer School
Theme 2023-2024
Based on Matthew 5:16, this year’s theme for Elk Island Catholic Schools (EICS) calls upon all staff and students to Go Light Our World.
Matthew 5:16 reads: “Let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
The verse was selected in the spring when our school chaplains were invited to begin brainstorming scripture and co-creating potential themes for the 2023-2024 school year. Once it was selected, all EICS staff were encouraged to suggest themes that they felt resonated with the scripture.
“The theme Go Light Our World speaks to our mission in Catholic schools: to make disciples and share the good news and gospel teachings,” explained Jody Seymour, the EICS Director of Student and Staff Formation who led the selection of this year’s theme and logo. “Through allowing Christ’s light into our hearts, we are called to share it with others through love, compassion, charity, and acts of service.”
After the theme was announced in June, all staff and students across our division were invited to submit a representative logo design that they felt encapsulated the calling of Go Light Our World.
The selected logo shows four children releasing brightly lit floating lanterns against a night sky. It was created by Elizabeth, an EICS student.
“The idea of using floating lanterns was the one that stuck since it would seem very majestic and bright, and incorporated the concept of the kids letting their light out into the world by releasing the lanterns into the sky,” Elizabeth said.
A close examination of the lanterns reveals that each is unique.
“The lanterns in the poster symbolize the good works of the students, and how they are letting their light shine,” Elizabeth said. “The lantern in the front with the school signifies the students ‘shining’ in academics, the lantern with the heart is them shining through their acts of charity (love), and the lantern with the cross represents them shining in their faith.
“By releasing the floating lanterns into the sky, the students are not hiding their light but letting their ‘light shine before others’ and glorify God who wills all of us to shine to the best of our ability.”
Elizabeth said she initially struggled using other concepts in her design until she had an “Aha” moment shortly before the deadline to submit artwork.
“The day before the deadline, the idea of lanterns just came up out of nowhere when I was not even thinking about the contest. I worked the whole morning on the design, and it felt right, so I submitted it,” she said.
“This poster was so much fun to make, and I am happy with how it turned out.”
Many other ideas for themes and logos were submitted, and we are incredibly thankful to everyone who participated!