Scholarship Information
Scholarship Information- Why Should You Apply?

Why should you apply?
Scholarships, awards and bursaries represent free money, which helps students avoid taking out large student loans and graduate with less debt. It's free money!
Did you know that winning a scholarship looks great on your resumé? Employers look for students who have shown the initiative to apply for student awards. Also, having been selected as an award recipient based on community service, academic achievement, leadership and/or campus involvement is a great accomplishment.
There are endless scholarships available and applying could be well worth your time. Many businesses, organizations and individuals enjoy giving back by sponsoring student awards, assisting students in achieving their educational goals with less financial burden.
Take advantage of this window of opportunity while you're a student!
Types of student awards:
Internal awards – money donated to the Olds College awards program and administered by the school. Students who are enrolled in an Olds College program at the time of application are eligible. Most post-secondary institutions will have their own internal awards that they give out every year. Be sure to browse to see what's out there.
External awards – External awards are administered according to the terms and criteria set by the sponsor. External awards are open to any post-secondary student and have varying deadlines and eligibility requirements. Students apply directly to the sponsor. You can find many awards of this kind on
Many times, awards are not given out because no one applies! There are many reasons that students may not apply: concerns about GPA, income, time management, and others. Still, most students are eligible for some sort of award, so don't count yourself out too soon!
3 common myths around student award applications:
My GPA isn't high enough to be considered.
There are some scholarships based on top academic achievements — but most will consider any student who has achieved a satisfactory GPA.
My parents' income is too high so I won't qualify for bursaries.
Financial need reporting is based on the student's financial situation at the time of application. Unlike a student loan, this does not include your parents' income statement. Based on the fact that most students cannot work full-time while attending post-secondary studies, they are usually in financial need. Even if you don't think you have substantial financial need, go ahead and apply for bursaries.
I don't have time to apply.
Make use of a long weekend — or that spare block in your timetable — to complete your application! You may be rewarded $500, $1,000, or even more, for just a couple of hours of effort. The Student Awards team at Olds College offers Student Award Application Sessions throughout the year to assist students with the application process.
Start your search for student awards now. Check out the Olds College scholarship page for student award opportunities available! Students apply for internal awards after they begin their program at Olds College.
Other institutions may have students apply for awards before they begin their studies, so make sure you're aware of application deadlines!
Some external awards may allow you to apply with an early letter of acceptance to your program. Review the list of external awards available on Olds College scholarship page, alongside a few helpful hints, to search out even more!
*Information retrieved from!-Why-YOU-Should-be-Applying-for-Scholarships on November 30, 2021
Alexander Rutherford High School Achievement Scholarship

his scholarship was named in honour of Alexander Rutherford, who had the distinction of being Alberta’s first Premier and Minister of Education. He was known for his strong support of public education, particularly the University of Alberta and his active involvement in community affairs.
To recognize and reward academic achievement of senior high school students and encourage them to pursue post-secondary studies.
Up to $2,500
Apply once your official high school transcript marks are available and when you are enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies. Requirements for high school transcript marks will vary.
To receive this scholarship, you must also meet all of these eligibility criteria:
- Be a Canadian Citizen, a Permanent Resident of Canada or Protected Person under
Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, (Visa students are not eligible); - Be an Alberta resident, and to be considered an Alberta resident the following conditions must apply:
- one parent or legal guardian must have maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the applicant commencing a program of study;
- applicant has maintained permanent residence in Alberta at least 12-months prior to commencing a program of study;
- applicant is not eligible to receive a scholarship with respect to any grade unless the applicant or the applicant's parent(s)/legal guardian were a resident in Alberta throughout the whole of that grade.
- one parent or legal guardian must have maintained permanent residence in Canada for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the applicant commencing a program of study;
- Have completed high school on or after September 30, 1980.
- Be enrolled in a full course load in a designated post-secondary or an apprenticeship program of at least one semester in length.
You may only be awarded the Alexander Rutherford scholarship once.
A student must have a minimum combined average based on five designated courses in at least one grade. Grade 10, 11 or 12 as calculated from:
- Alberta Residents
Courses/marks on an official Alberta Transcript of High School Achievement - Completed High School Outside Alberta
Courses/marks that appear on an official high school transcript attained in another province
Students will automatically be considered for the following awards when they apply for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship. There is no separate application required for these awards.
- Rutherford Scholars Award
- Dr. Ernest and Minnie Mehl Scholarship
- Mildred Rowe Weston Memorial Scholarships
Apply online when your official high school marks are available and when you are enrolled in full-time post-secondary studies.
Once your enrollment or attendance has been confirmed by your post-secondary institution, Alberta Student Aid will mail a cheque to you within one month.
ALIS (Alberta Learning Information System) Info. & Scholarships!
- ALIS (The Alberta Learning Information System) is a provincial online source for career, learning and employment information.
- Go to
- Students can click on “I am still in High School” where students can then explore content on “Plan Your Career”, “Explore Education and Training”, “CAREERinsite”, or “OCCInfo”, all of which are incredible resources that holistically support students as they plan for after high school.
- Student Loans & Scholarships that are available
Other Scholarship Websites
Please note: This is also the website where you will apply for the ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD SCHOLARSHIP. You are eligible to apply for this scholarship in your Grade 12 year, only once you have accepted an offer of admission from a post-secondary institution. We advise ALL Grade 12’s who are going on to post-secondary to apply, as the scholarship takes into consideration all three years of high school and awards specific sums of money for averages above 75% and above 80% from Grades 10 through 12 inclusive.
scholarship/ada-indigenous- steam-bursary/ybrm8lQBqnq -
scholarship/jay-nijholt- scholarship/0yVGYK0BpE -
scholarship/pathfinder- scholarship-award/yzAwaHt6abX -
scholarship/utility-safety- partners-scholarship/ ymMB1WAowBg (Alberta Students only) -
scholarship/jsk-consulting- ltd-scholarship-in-memory-of- rolly-walgenbach/N7MqAKDkAbg (Alberta Students only)
Check out Your Post-Secondary!
Information about Student Loans
Student Aid provides loans and grants from both Alberta’s government and Canada’s government. You only have to apply once to be considered for both.
Using the information you give us on your application, Student Aid calculates how much money you can get from each source. We base our calculations on the policies set by both Alberta and Canada.
Learn more about the details of the two sources of student aid.
Check out more information on Student Aid
REMAX Canada Scholoarship
About the Scholarship
Are you active in your community or do you have ideas on how to make it a better place to call home? Submit an essay of up to 1250 words answering one of the questions below and you could win $1000!